France Poplars near the Doubs Oil 20.75 x 20.75 Olive Trees Oil 18in X 24in Malancene Night Light Oil 12in X 14in Plein de Versailles Oil 8in X 12in Morning Sun At Beaugency Oil 6in X 6in The Loire Below Beaugency Oil 6in X 12in Drainage Dyke On The Somme Oil 4in X 6in Forest In The Luberon Oil 6in X 4in View From St Cezaire Oil 9in X 12in Olive Trees, St Cezaire Oil 4in X 6in Meadow In The Var Oil 4in X 4in Before Sunbreak, Beaugency Oil 10in X 12in Vergisson Oil 25in X 44.25in Saone At Macon Oil 6in X 12in The Saone At Allerey Oil 5.5in X 13.5in Willows On The Soane Oil 4" x 5" No "Bonjour" Oil 18" x 14" On The Somme 2016 Oil - 18" x 24" Colour notes, South of France. Oil - 6" x 5" Evening near Roussillion, France. Oil - 5" x 8" Travers, Beaujolais. France. Oil - 4" x 12" Colour note, France. Oil - 4" x 3" The Soane near Damery, France. Oil - 4" x 8" On The Somme. France. Oil - 4" x 4" A Drain on the Somme, France. Oil - 4" x 5" Painted on The Somme 2014, France. Oil - 4" x 12" Reflections on The Soane near Damery, France. Oil - 6" x 7" Bridge on The Soane at Allerey, France. Oil - 6" x 5" Poplar Woods near Damerey, France. Oil - 6" x 12" Serries, Beaujolais, France. Oil - 12" x 8" Mist on The Loire at Beaugency. France. Oil - 10" x 12" The Loire at Beaugency, France. Oil - 6" x 12" The Soane at Allerey, France. Oil - 6" x 14" Poplars at Frontenard, France. Oil - 10" x 12" The Soane at Allerey, France. Oil - 10" x 12" Willows on The Doubs, France. Oil - 10" x12" The Cherry Pickers Oil - 30" x 36" The Var in Autumn OIl and Tempera - 48" x 36" The Esterel Oil - 8" x 16" The Var in Autumn Oil and tempera - 48" x 36" View from Roussillon Oil - 12" x 20" Plein de Versailles Oil - 4" x 6" Ochre Mines Roussillon Oil - 4" x 6" Evening from Speracedes Oil - 4" x 6" Cherry Trees in the Luberon Oil - 3 1/2" x 4" Willows Near Roussillion Oil - 4 1/2" x 4" The Rhone near Tournon Oil - 4" x 4 1/2" Reflections on the Soane Oil - 4 1/2" x 4" Stormy Day, Roussillon Oil - 4" x 12" Tillage near Roussillon Oil - 4" x 12" Evening on The plein de Versallies, France Oil - 4" x 6" Morning Mist on The Soane Oil - 10" x 14" The Blue Tree Oil - 6" x 6" The Colours of France Oil - 4" x 8" Vegetable field near Roussillon Oil - 6" x 8" Windy day near Roussillon Oil - 6" x 8" Fields near Roussillon Oil - 6" x 12" Parc de Versallies Oil - 8" x 12" Sunrise at Speracedes Oil - 8" x 12" A wood in France Oil - 10" x 10" The Bale Oil - 4" x 4" The Aveyron Oil - 10" x 10" Hill Farms in the Aveyron, France Oil - 9" x 12" Night in Combret Oil - 9" x 12" Man Driving Three Heifers, near Chartres 3" x 7" Barley in the Averyron Oil - 6" x 8" Puyceici, South of France Oil - 8" x 10" River Valley from Combret Oil - 9" x 12" Landscape in the Aveyron Oil - 5" x 14" The Languedoc Oil - 4" x 8" Cabris Oil - 8" x 10" Arena Oil - 8" x 28"